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Accessible parking sign in URMC parking lot

University of Rochester

Accessible Parking

Accessible Parking

The University of Rochester recognizes that individuals with disabilities may require parking accommodations to access the buildings where they work, live, and study. To support these community members, the University of Rochester offers parking accommodations for people with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (ADA AA) and other applicable laws.

Request a Disability Parking Accommodation
To request a parking accommodation, please follow the instructions and complete the Application for Closer In Parking or Student Transportation.

Please note that the medical information provided by your healthcare provider must demonstrate:

  • A direct link between the underlying condition and the requested accommodation.
  • A description of the functional limitations of the disabling condition as they relate to the major life activities impacted by the diagnosis.

It is essential that the documentation includes the:

    • diagnosis
    • history of onset
    • methods used to determine the diagnosis
    • suggested accommodation

If approval includes a shuttle option, all University shuttles are handicap accessible and equipped with a wheelchair lift. The larger shuttles are low-floor and have only one step. If negotiating steps is challenging, the lift can be activated to assist with boarding and disembarking from the shuttle.

Temporary or Closer-in Disability Parking Assignments

Approval for temporary or permanent closer-in parking or transportation assignments will be based on a review of medical documentation that verifies the existence of a temporary or permanent ambulatory impairment.

If approval is granted, you will receive a mobility accommodation in accordance with the University of Rochester’s Equal Opportunity Compliance Office and Department of Transportation and Logistics policies.

If you are approved to park in a lot close to your destination or in a disability parking area, a temporary permit will be issued. Once the eligibility period for the temporary parking assignment expires, you are required to return to your original parking assignment.

University-Designated Disability Parking Spaces

If you are requesting authorization to park in a University-designated disability parking space, it is your responsibility to obtain a handicapped parking permit through your local municipality.

Only individuals with both a handicapped parking permit and a parking permit from the Department of Transportation and Logistics will be permitted to park in handicapped-designated spaces. Failure to display both permits may result in a parking citation.

Student Transportation Assistance

The University of Rochester offers on-campus transportation for enrolled students who require disability transportation while on campus. Any student with a permanent or temporary disability must follow the same assessment process outlined above for disability parking.

To request student transportation assistance, please complete the Application for Student Transportation Assistance.

Once it is determined that a student requires on-campus transportation, they will be contacted to arrange pick-up and drop-off at designated stops and times.

Lot 9-Kendrick South Accessible Shuttle
Spring 2025 – Monday through Friday

Lot 9College Town Building 3Golisano Children's Hospital Lower LoopCrittenden Circle
5:45 AM5:50 AM5:53 AM5:55 AM
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5:00 PM5:05 PM5:08 PM5:10 PM
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5:30 PMEND

Note: The Medical Center Evening Staff Shuttle is also accessible and operates from the same stops to Lot 9 from 5:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.

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