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Parking Lot on the University of Rochester campus.

University of Rochester

Creating Parking Validations

Stickers and e-Validations

Instructions for Using Spark

To log into Spark, the University’s validation system, you will need a username and password. If you require credentials, please complete the Validation Access Request Form.

If you already have your username and password, follow these steps to log into Spark:

  1. Log into Spark.
  2. In the left-hand column, select either e-Validations or Stickers as your validation option. (Please note that coupons are not an option at this time.)
    • eValidations
      • Select this option if you’d like to validate an entry ticket.
    • Stickers
      • Select this option if you’d like to print a batch onto sticker labels.
  3. Follow the instructions below to create validations. For instructions on changing the date and time format in Spark, click here.
Creating e-Validations
  • e-Validations are used to validate visitors’ tickets as they leave your department. To create an e-Validation, select the e-Validation option in the left-hand column.
    1. If your visitor has an entry ticket issued by the parking garage, enter the 8-digit ticket number in the field labeled Ticket.
    2. Click the blue Search button to locate the entry ticket.
    3. Select the 8-digit ticket number you just entered.
    4. Choose your HRMS department name from the Company field.
    5. In the Sub-company field, carefully select the correct option, as this will be used for billing purposes.
    6. Next, select the validation type, which will be pre-filled.
    7. You can add reminders in the optional Notes field for your future reference.
    8. Finally, click the blue Validate Ticket button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

    A notification will appear in the bottom right corner, confirming that the validation has been applied to the entry ticket.

Creating Validation Stickers
  • To create sticker validations, select the Sticker option in the left-hand column.
  • In the top right of the screen, click the Create Sticker button. This will take you to the page where you can create validation stickers.
  • The Parking Lot field is pre-filled with the University of Rochester, which includes the MRB, SRB lots, and the hospital garage.
  • Select your HRMS department name from the Company field.
  • In the Sub Company field, carefully choose the correct option, as this field is required for billing purposes.
  • For the Batch Name, enter the Sub Company name selected in the previous step. This name will be printed on the validation sticker.
  • Next, select the Validation Type, which is pre-filled.
  • Enter the number of validation stickers you would like to print in the Quantity field. Remember that there are 40 validation stickers on each sheet.
  • There are several fields that should not be changed: Advance Usage, Valid From and To dates, Days of the Week, and Start and End Times.
  • You may add reminders in the optional Notes field for your future reference.
  • Click the blue Create button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • A green banner will confirm that your request has been created successfully.
  • You will see a list of your validation requests. The most recent batch of validations will be at the top of the list.


  • To print stickers, select the batch you wish to print, then click the printer icon in the top right corner. You may need to allow pop-ups to print.
  • A blue banner will appear indicating that the stickers are being processed. This will only take a few seconds.
  • Once processing is complete, the sheet of validations will open in a new window as a PDF.
  • Print the validations on sticker paper with 2″ x 1″ labels, 40 per sheet. Sticker paper can be ordered here:
  • To use the sticker, peel one off and place it on a visitor’s entry ticket inside the STICKER HERE box.


Where can I order labels to print stickers?

Print the validations on sticker paper with 2″ x 1″ labels, 40 per sheet. You can order sticker paper from Uline or Amazon:

If you choose not to order from Uline or Amazon, please ensure you use labels that are 2″ x 1″ with 40 per sheet.

Will the validated tickets have a unique bar code? How will the department be charged?

Each validation includes an individual QR code. Departments will be charged for all validations used in a month through an automatic journal entry to the department account.

What if I use multiple FAOs?

If multiple FAOs are used, a separate request must be completed for each one.

If I want to validate the entry ticket, where do I find the ticket number?

The 8-digit ticket number can be found on the visitor’s entry ticket.

The person who used to generate validations is no longer in the department. How do I get access?

Complete the Validation Access Request Form, and include the name of the person you are replacing in the ‘Comments’ section.

How do visitors use parking validations?

Visitors with sticker validations should scan the barcode upon exiting the lot.

If an e-Validation was applied to the ticket, the gate arms will raise automatically. In this case, the visitor will not need to scan their ticket.

Printable instructions for visitors may be downloaded here.